Research Article Open Access

Role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in E-Government

Mihyar Hesson, Tariq Rahim Soomro and Okan Geray


Problem statement: The E-Government implementation has achieved by many countries. This is meant to improve the delivery of public services to citizens, business and governmental departments alike. Different strategies are used to build E-Government infrastructure and deliver its services to the public. The degree of success that is achieved by different E-Governments in terms of service level and quality of service varies significantly. Approach: The objective of achieving e-Governance goes far beyond mere computerization of standalone back office operations. Strict measures are required to help E-Governments evaluate the service level and assess the quality of service. Results: In this study we introduce the E-Government strategies, perspectives, implementation, transformation and their major problems. In this context, the role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is reviewed. Conclusion: Dubai E-Government (DeG) which was officially launched in December 2001 is selected as a case study for service management assessment based on ITIL standards. Two main areas of DeG service management were selected; service support and service delivery.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 8 No. 3, 2012, 323-328


Submitted On: 14 December 2011 Published On: 7 January 2012

How to Cite: Hesson, M., Soomro, T. R. & Geray, O. (2012). Role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in E-Government. Journal of Computer Science, 8(3), 323-328.

  • 5 Citations



  • Dubai E-government
  • service support
  • service delivery