TY - JOUR AU - Abd Zaid, Mustafa Majeed AU - Mohammed, Ahmed Abed AU - Sumari, Putra PY - 2025 TI - Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Transfer Learning Techniques JF - Journal of Computer Science VL - 21 IS - 3 DO - 10.3844/jcssp.2025.635.645 UR - https://thescipub.com/abstract/jcssp.2025.635.645 AB - This study investigates the classification of aerial images depicting transmission towers, forests, farmland, and mountains. To complete the classification job, features are extracted from input photos using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. Then, the images are classified using Softmax. To test the model, we ran it for ten epochs using a batch size of 90, the Adam optimizer, and a learning rate of 0.001. Both training and assessment are conducted using a dataset that blends self-collected pictures from Google satellite imagery with the MLRNet dataset. The comprehensive dataset comprises 10,400 images. Our study shows that transfer learning models and MobileNetV2 in particular, work well for landscape categorization. These models are good options for practical use because they strike a good mix between precision and efficiency; our approach achieves results with an overall accuracy of 87% on the built CNN model. Furthermore, we reach even higher accuracies by utilizing the pretrained VGG16 and MobileNetV2 models as a starting point for transfer learning. Specifically, VGG16 achieves an accuracy of 90% and a test loss of 0.298, while MobileNetV2 outperforms both models with an accuracy of 96% and a test loss of 0.119; the results demonstrate the effectiveness of employing transfer learning with MobileNetV2 for classifying transmission towers, forests, farmland, and mountains.